Growing flowers on a balcony is an art that requires you to be diligent, from choosing the land to planting and taking care of it, choose  flower pot minecraft... The feeling is great when you create a space filled with flowers, relax after stressful working hours.

So how to grow flowers on the balcony like for science? The following article we will show you how to plant flowers on the balcony easy to do without spending much time and effort.

Growing flowers on a balcony is not as difficult as you think

 Determine the location of the balcony (determine what plants to plant on the balcony accordingly)

The important thing to do, first before planting flowers on a balcony is to locate your balcony, see which direction it is in, direct sunlight or not. For the west balcony, all year round, hot weather, difficult to keep moisture, choose good drought tolerant plants such as sunflower, ornamental banana, ornamental cactus, ten o'clock flowers, ... And if the balcony has little light should choose bonsai loving plants such as orchids, roses, orchids….

Need to see the balcony direction for a reasonable solution when planting flowers

Select pot pots (Fit to balcony plants)

After determining the location of a balcony, you need to choose the right pots for each plant. For big trees, choose a pot that can definitely hold a lot of soil, small plants should choose medium pots for good drainage ... Also base on interior, exterior and paint color to choose the color of the pot, pot designs to match the balcony design.

You can choose to buy  flower pot minecraft

Durable and beautiful Composite pots are being used a lot

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Note: The pot must be well drained for your plants to grow properly, the pot size should not be too high, too wide because it will occupy a lot of the balcony area, affecting the walking and taking care of the tree. .

Choose your soil

Planting soil should buy a loose soil, containing a lot of humus, then mix it with organic fertilizer to ensure plant nutrition. Pour soil into each pot and gently compress the soil to avoid pores that damage roots in the future.

Each type of tree will have different nutritional needs, so depending on the type of tree, mix the appropriate fertilizer, it is best to ask the vendor for specific advice on how to grow flowers on the balcony.

Soil is very important to the growth of plants

Choose a tree to plant (Choose a sun-resistant balcony plant with a western balcony)

You can choose seeds or buy small plants at bonsai stores. When potting the plant, you should compress the soil at the base to keep the plant steady and prevent air from entering.
You should plant a variety of flowers to create a lively balcony, you can choose small vines such as climbing roses, orchids, ten o'clock flowers ... There are also some flowers with catching colors. eyes like pansy flowers, periwinkle, oatmeal, geranium ...

Roses are many people choose to decorate the balcony
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Plants with sharp spines, sharp leaves and toxins should not be planted as they can be dangerous to everyone in the family, especially young children. After sowing drought, you should spread small stones or pebbles to increase the aesthetics and effect of keeping water and soil for the plant.

Care techniques (Choose flowers that are easy to grow on the balcony if you are inexperienced)

When the tree grows and branches, every day you should spend a little time taking care of the tree, watering, catching and pruning the branches according to your preferences ... to help the tree grow best. Occasionally, dilute inorganic fertilizers should be diluted with water and then watered on the stump to ensure plant growth.
You should carefully observe the pests. If the tree shows signs of rolling leaves, yellow leaves, leaf perforation .... then immediately buy special medicines to spray, to avoid spreading to the neighboring plants. 

 Need to buy sprays as soon as signs of illness
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With such a simple way of growing flowers on the balcony, you have created for your family a wonderful living space filled with flowers. The special thing is that the planting of your own hands also saves you a lot of money because you do not have to ask the designer and plant the tree.


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